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  • Rent

Customer Services

----------Call us , we will find what you are looking for------------


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If you're interested in buying a property, simply put your requirements in the form below or request a 1 to 1 manager. If you already like a property and want more information about us, just add the property id below.

I am interested in purchasing a property. Please do the following.

Call us , we will find what you are looking for.


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Interested in selling a property? We have a dedicated team that will help you all the way. Simply fill out the form below and we will get your property listed in no time.

Please choose any one Property Type

(in squares)

Call us , we will find what you are looking for.


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Have a property you want to rent out? We will list it on Pickahome for free. Simply fill the form and we will get an information collector out to you. We are currently only supporting properties in Gurgaon.

Please choose any one Property Type

Call us , we will find what you are looking for.


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Having trouble or want to send us some feedback? Just fill out the form below and a team member will get back to you shortly.

Call us , we will find what you are looking for.
